Learn without limits

BookTech is an all-inclusive tool used to study with a click of a button. If you choose to sit down, run, drive, or workout, it's now your choice to study using BookTech.

Ultimate Distance Training

Booktech was developed by a team of medical professionals, police officers, computer software developers, and authors that focuses on promotional testing, as well as an audio learning management systems for office procedures and policy manuals.

Everything You Need

Audio Books, Study Material, Test Questions and Assessments for Professionals

We work with all local, state, and federal public service agencies to provide solutions to your training needs.  Get in touch today!

Learn and Assess

Time is of the essence when studying. BookTech enables you to learn anywhere and everywhere at any time, day or night on any device or mobile unit. BookTech engages every brain function to learn and develop mastery of any material on the go.  The effective way to learn everywhere and anywhere YOU choose!

Books to Audio

BookTech has the content you need in a mobile format for the go-anywhere professional. We have converted the top content in the industry to audio book format with the read along PDF text so that you can learn from anywhere, increase your retention by up to 75%, and have the flexibility to take your audio courses on your commute, to the gym, or even in the shower.

Promotion Test Prep

BookTech has leveraged industry experts input into the content, test questions, and evaluation modules to help you score in the needed percentile for your next promotion exam. Our content covers statewide policy and procedure, as well as department specific promotion exam materials. 

Continuing Education

BookTech has partnered with several professional organizations to bring you trainings, course materials, reference manuals, and textbooks in an audio format for all your continuing education needs. Studies have shown that comprehension increases as much as 76%. Subscribers have seen an increase by 21% in test scores when engaged in multi-modal learning.
BookTech has taken all of the prep time out of the equation. BookTech is an all inclusive, one stop, comprehensive tool, used to study with a click of a button. If you choose to sit down, run, drive, or workout , it’s now your choice to study using BookTech.

Our courses

Training & Coaching Programs
BookTech assessments provide instant feedback on your performance, displaying the correct answer, where it can be found in the reference material, and a short synopsis of the referenced material if you don't have the time to look up the material on your own.